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    Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts

    Don't Waste Time

    May 21, 2021 0

    I will give you something. Don't believe and hope. What you think I am not that. I'm not here to supply The materials person like yo...

    Becoz I'm A Girl

    May 08, 2021 0

    I'm A Girl, I've To Depended On Someone Always.  I'm A Girl, I'm Not Allowed To Live My Life In My Own Style.  I'm A Gir...

    One Final Meet

    April 21, 2021 0

    I want to tell you what exactly I feel I want to open my heart Can we confess our love for one last time Before you depart, Before you depar...


    April 13, 2021 0

    Yes  I have buried My desires inside, I have picked up What others wanted. The instincts of mine Are screaming out loudly, But I Myself have...

    New love

    February 13, 2021 0

    Have I wanted to tell you something for so long, But was not sure if it was appropriate to do so. I had always thought of clearing the mess ...


    February 11, 2021 0

    Dream I see very rarely, But I remember them very fairly. One night I saw a lovely dream, A school of chocolate & cream. It was big huge...


    January 27, 2021 0

    Nothing to speak Nothing to offer Nothing to see or show Nothing to keep or hide   Nothing to do also Of course, there's hope to get som...


    January 13, 2021 0

    Where shall I go? Who will be with me? I'm alone here in this slot. Nobody is in favour of me. Let anybody else be always with me that...

    Is it fine!?

    October 20, 2020 0

    Is it fine? To love you, To want you, To close my eyes and breathe you! Is it fine? To crave the warmth of your skin, The glow in your eyes,...


    August 22, 2020 0

    Albert Einstein never found you Otherwise he would have said it's easy to describe theory of relativity rather than your silence. Newton...

    Crave for Freedom

    August 17, 2020 0

    Some of us the desire To achieve a temporary goal, In others the desire For unending peace of soul. The desire to be free A simple part of h...

    What I Understand

    August 04, 2020 0

    What I understand  there is nothing. What you understand  there is something. How can I rightly say this? I don't have that aptitude to ...


    July 14, 2020 0

    Yes this breeze Seems like The sun is waving to me While concealing behind the sea To burn again Next day. Where the bushes of white roses A...

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