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    New love

    New Love

    Have I wanted to tell you something for so long,
    But was not sure if it was appropriate to do so.
    I had always thought of clearing the mess
    And settle things with you someday.
    But today, I can’t ignore you like I always did,
    Pretending to be busy all the time.
    Now there is no way I can hold it to myself;
    I am here to tell you that I am in love with you! 
    You often surprise me with Stuff  which
    I rarely remember owning one.
    On this day of confession…
    I am going to throw away all the useless baggage 
    That I held back for so long
    And make some space for me to fit in.

    What feels like home is you..
    Oh my comfy sassy wardrobe,
    I am in love with you!

    - Abhinandana. R

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