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    Is it worth it?

    Is it worth it? - A poem by Abha Satnam

    Crying your heart out and smiling again as if nothing happened, continuing this cycle for months. Maybe the future is the only time that can answer all the questions from that particular part of my inner self.

    It must be hard they say, but little did they know about the times I had to go through. Those sleepless nights with blurry eyes, those flashbacks of the bitter past with unanswerable questions, all these things at a time. Little did they know about how much I had struggled to avoid suicidal thoughts.

    But, there is always a way to move on and carry on with your life. It is hard, yes I know. But it’s the best you can do for yourself. Meeting people, getting busy with some extracurricular work, doing things that you could never even got to attempt, and finally LOVING YOURSELF could help you to get over from the things that drag you down.

    It's hard. But believe me, IT’S WORTH IT.

    - Abha Satman 

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