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    I wonder if ever in the world of bliss...
    Can I live a life of peace...

    I go here & there & all around...
    Looking for peace, away from sound...

    Is it in my inner soul that it exists...
    Or my perseverance to reach goals resists?

    Is it in the fulfillment of my needs...
    Or in my beliefs & in my deeds?

    Is it found in my personal achievements?
    Or is peace an elusive mental attainment?

    Is it in the being comforted by others?
    Or in the healing of suffering of others?

    Is it in my hope that ends never..!
    Or in my love that shall last forever?

    Wherever it may be, I will look for peace
    Not just in this life; even after this!

    - Chinmayee Sahoo

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